- Change author name in word 2013 full#
- Change author name in word 2013 professional#
- Change author name in word 2013 free#
Multipart surnames are one of the most confusing name variations in the APA Style Citations. Otherwise, no explicit mention of the name change is required. John Author (previously Jane Author 2016), wrote that life can be difficult for transgendered researchers. If it is useful to the reader and relevant to your method of writing research papers, you may choose to make a note of the name change within the text. If the author’s initials did not change but his or her first name did, you will need to specify the different first names in the reference list, like this:Īuthor, J. If you are using two sources by the same author using different names, simply cite and reference both works normally, using the two different names. In most instances, it is not necessary to make a note of an author’s name change. What does the APA Style guide require in these cases? Occasionally, an author will inconsistently publish using a middle initial: sometimes John Author, sometimes John Q. If they get divorced, they may drop the hyphenation or change back to their original names. They may change their surnames after marriage, or take on a hyphenated surname. There may be many reasons for authors to change their names. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.ĪPA Style One Name Author In-Text Citation
Change author name in word 2013 full#
Always include the full name of the author in both the in-text citation and the reference. When an author has only one name, how do you cite the Author’s Name? How do you alphabetize an author with only one name? This is an easy one. This differs from many APA Style Citations. Notice that, in the in-text citation for nobility, the article, “The” is included. Harmony: A new way of looking at our world. The Prince of Wales (with Juniper, T., & Skelly, I). Retrieved from ĪPA Style Religious Leader In-Text Citation Second, titles are included for nobility. First, titles are included for religious leaders like the Pope. There are two important exceptions to this rule. Do not include Captain, Reverend, Professor, Honorable, Vice President, or any other business title when writing research papers in APA Style.
Change author name in word 2013 professional#
But what about other kinds of titles, like Captain or Reverend?Īccording to Chelsea Lee at the APA Style Blog, the current APA Style guide specifies that almost all professional titles should be left out. or M.A., these academic credentials are never included in citing the author’s name. When authors have professional titles referring to their degrees, like Dr.
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Related: Do you have questions on manuscript drafting? Get personalized answers on the FREE Q&A Forum! Professional Title Citing authors with Multiple part surnamesīelow, you’ll find APA Style examples for all of these, including APA Citations and APA References.
Luckily, in APA format, there are solutions to all of these questions and more. The APA Style uses a basic author-date citation style, where cited references are then listed in an APA Style Reference List, but what happens when the names get complicated? Professional titles like Captain, authors with only one name, and authors who change their names-all of these can cause confusion to those using the APA Style.